Something that I read over at Quilt While You're Ahead recently got me thinking. Monica was pondering her inspiration behind choosing colours for a for a quilt project and it occurred to me that how we all see things may be similar but our perceptions of them may be wildly different. I thought a similar thing recently when reading a post over at Melly and Me. Melly and Rosalie are fearsome thrift sorters and they have amazingly creative eyes for seeing potential in an item. I was so amazed with a wonderful bag that they created, part of which started out in life as a pair of shorts. It's a real gift to be able to look at something and envisage what it could become with a magical sprinkle of creative input. That's what I love so much about browsing all the wonderful blogs out there - everyones different creative perspective, the range of beautiful work being created from all kinds of diverse materials is definitely inspirational.
It's great that blogging gives us all a forum for open exchange of creative ideas and inspirations. The best thing is that the community is growing daily and every time I go browsing I find more and more lovely sites packed full of wonderful work. So on that note I'll offer you some links to some of my favourite new places to visit. Go grab a cup of your favourite brew and have a browse.
Elfie & me French Knots Suzie Sews
And as for my inspirations. Well, this week I have been mostly knitting rabbits (nothing new there then!) I love the fact though that they all emerge differently even though they're all knitted up the same and when it comes to colours for clothes there aren't many limits. I suspect that I may be inspired by some of my lucky charity shop finds this week - a little French letter rack (a bit battered but cute shape and lovely gold stars) and a 1930's Colclough afternoon tea-set (only 3 cups and most of the gilt worn off but lovely acorn design and such a pretty colour):

So if you shortly see a rabbit with an acorn design turquoise & white jumper you may just guess where the idea came from.
Have a fun and inspirational weekend everyone!