Thanks so much for the lovely comments about the bunny baking and Edgar. I am gearing up for a sale soon (probably mid february) and am just finishing off jumpers and dresses for 12 toys and beading some cakes. I'll send out advance emails to those on my advance list when I know a date.
This week has been a funny one but on balance there were more ups than downs. The main down was Toby being ill with an unspecified virus. He had a high temperature and snuffles and just lay on the sofa and wouldn't eat for 3 days - he must have been feeling pretty rough as it takes a lot to slow him down.
There have been a couple of other downs involving the car, loads of spam comments and hassles with discontinued yarn that I've already paid for - you know the usual mundane frustrating stuff, but now Toby is better and back at school that all seems done and dusted and I can enjoy the ups (and start catching up with emails - sorry there's a backlog again!)
The first up was when we heard that Rose's family have reached their fundraising target and will be able to take Rose for her treatment in the USA (thanks for emailing me Philippa)
Then I snagged me a Raspberry bag. I fell in love with the beautiful sneak peek pictures she posted this week on her site and stalked her etsy shop all evening and my gorgeous new bag arrived today. Thanks so much Alice - I love it! (there are much better pictures over on her site)
To top the week off my Mum and Dad stopped off for a quick visit on their way to stay with friends for a few days. Mum looks great and is wearing just a soft collar now. It's nice to see them getting back to some fun activities after the last couple of months!
So on balance a pretty good week. Hope yours was a good'un and that your weekend is too!