It's been longer than planned since I last wrote a post here, but life sometimes gets in the way and half term was busy. Amy had a wonderful time in New York (despite being there for the coldest Valentine's day in 100 years with temperatures at -17 and colder with the windchill). She saw lots, shopped lots, loved Les Mis on Broadway and was completely wowed by the city and all of it's sights and sounds. She also loved flying which was a relief for us both and can't wait to do it again sometime. Thanks so much for all the good wishes for her trip.
Since the children went back to school last week I've been trying to get myself organised. I've had a week of flitting from one thing to another and as a consequence nothing was getting finished but after sitting down and making lots of lists I've started to feel like I'm getting somewhere. Hopefully by the end of this week we'll have signed off on the latest ream of paperwork for Toby which will be a big relief to have out of my head. I've also just put the finishing touches to a small batch of animals which I'm hoping will have new homes in time for Easter.

I've been working on these since the start of the year so it's nice to have them finished. Four of them have been listed on Etsy (already sold) and the other 4 are over on my shop blog, full details on how they're being offered for sale are here.
Now my head is a little clearer I'm going to be focusing on the next animal pattern. Most of the notes are scribbled down so now I need to write them up properly, make test samples, photograph the steps and test out the final pattern. It will be a month or so before that's all done but I'll keep you up to date with any news.
Thanks as always for stopping by, I'll be around a little more often now that I'm feeling a bit more organised so I hope to see you soon x