I recently followed a link to a blog where the relative insanity of knitting cakes and pies was being pondered on. Well, she does have a point, it is a slightly bizarre thing to create but then so many things are bizarre these days and at least they're too soft to be used as a dangerous weapon. A couple of people have asked me why I knit cakes and I suppose the simple answer is that it's fun and people want them.The first ones I made were a bit ropey and it took many different attempts to get the shaping as I wanted it but it was satisfying being able to finally produce something that looked like the vision I'd had in my mind. The nice thing is that the design is still evolving and so it never gets boring to me. I was totting up the other day and I've actually made over 250 in the last 5 years!
Anyway reading the post that questioned why anyone would possibly want to make knitted cakes made me remember something I made last year and co-incidentally it is the right time of year to be showing these. There, if you want to ponder the real insanity behind knitted objects then get an eye-full of these babies!
Although I'm fairly happy with the pattern I never went into production on these because I couldn't see anyone really wanting a knitted Easter egg (chocolate ones are infinitely preferable in my opinion). But sometimes it's just nice to have the challenge of making something you've not made before and creating anything from scratch is, well, life affirming. Something the elderly people who created this knitted room would definitely understand.
Anyway, the Easter school break is upon us (arggggggg!!) I'll be out of the loop for the next 2 weeks, will try and keep up with any emails but be patient with me! See on you the other side of the abyss!