This is my 100th post!!
And I want to say a big thank you to everyone who has left a comment or just visited here and lurked (I know you're there 'cos I watch my stats!). I get so much enjoyment from this little blog and when you visit here, you make my day!
I'd like to offer the chance for one person to win their own little cotton rabbit (or bear / panda / monkey). If you fancy taking part just leave me a comment on this post and in 1 week I'll ask my lovely assistant Amy to draw a single winner from all of the commenters.
If you need any inspiration for ideas, here are a couple of the toys I've made since I started blogging:
As I can only offer 1 free toy I've been racking my brain to think of something else to offer to everyone so I've come up with a free pattern to share. You could knit this as a decoration for a t-shirt, a tea cosy, a bag...I'm sure there are many more imaginative uses too (I've just whopped it on a T-shirt for Amy)
Many, many thanks to everyone who has taken the time to comment here - each comment has been eagerly read and cherished and if I've not responded I must apologise as time (and Toby) doesn't always permit. Thanks again for stopping by!
My competition is now closed to new entries, I'll be drawing the winner shortly and will post tomorrow, thanks!