Although this blog is largely about my love of knitting, especially rabbits (had to sneak a quick picture in!), I do write about autism from time to time. I also get to hear from a lot of people who are involved with autism - either directly living with an affected family member or involved in research / campaigning. I recently heard from a wonderful young woman who has written a book about an 8 year old boy with autism. Nicki Mann had many problems at school but has gone on to work with special needs children and is currently training to be a teacher. Her book Danny, Danny Superstar tells the story of an autistic boy, his special needs classmates and their school talent show.
It's a wonderful way to tell other children about some of the difficulties autistic children have. Amy especially likes the story because she identifies with Danny's big sister Lizzy. It would be a great book to read with children who have an autistic relative, classmate or friend as it's a very sensitive and child-friendly introduction to the fact that some children are different. Nikki has self-published the book on lulu so you can either download a copy and print it yourself or order a pre-printed bound copy.
My ramblings about autism aren't based on any intellectual expertise but rather on personal experience and as autism affects every individual in a completely different ways my families' experiences aren't necessarily relevant to anyone else. But there are common issues that affect all autistic people. In this country the National Autistic Society are tireless in campaigning for better understanding of autism and better support for those with the condition.
Campaigning is critical if people with autism and their families are to
get a better deal from services and society at large. We work at a
national level to champion the rights and interests of people with
autism and their families and ensure that policy and legislation
reflect their needs: your contribution is vital to achieve positive
They are currently seeking support from the general public in 2 particular areas. If you're in the UK and feel like lending your voice please follow the links below. These are not requests for cash - just petitions that show the weight of public opinion.
National Government:
Petition for more government support for those with autistic spectrum disorders
Local Government:
The NAS are also requesting information from each UK local authority on their current provision for children with autistic spectrum disorders. Many local authorities have not yet responded to the questionnaire and so need a kick up the ****. If you fancy delivering a kick, please email me and I'll forward the email on to you (I can't get the link to work here!)
Thanks so much for reading and for your support.