Albert Einstein once said
"Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results".
And as he was quite a brainy chap it seems sensible to heed his advice, so we're changing tactics with Toby in an attempt to get a different result to all of the tantrums of recent times.
I believe that communication is the key to helping Toby manage his rages. Communication from us to tell him what is happening next, what is expected of him and what to expect of a situation and communication (in a more appropriate form than tantrums and biting) from him to convey how he's feeling and what he's thinking.
We don't know if he'll ever learn to speak and so it's essential to provide him with an alternative and P.E.C.S (Picture Exchange Communication System)is definitely it. I've mentioned before that we've found P.E.C.S invaluable as it's given Toby a way of communicating his wants and needs (food, dvds, play etc) but it's proving hard to move it on to a fully functional language for him. For instance how do you teach a non-communicative child the word for headache? I know sometimes that he's in pain but I cannot tell where it hurts and he has no way of telling me yet. It's a catch-22 situation sometimes but I suppose the only way forward is to start small.
So we've introduced a timetable at home which sets out Toby's day, where he's going and what he's doing.
I hope it will help him on inset days and school breaks when he'll have a visual clue that the routine is different and hopefully the reassurance of seeing that later in the day we're going out etc.
They are small and simple steps but I hope it will lead to him being able to express himself more fully and reduce the levels of frustration that have led to his recent agression. If you're interested I'll keep you posted on our progress!