Part of the Making Winter series started by Silverpebble and Thriftyhousehold.
Actually it's difficult to think about winter because today feels decidedly spring-like. The sun is shining and the forecast is for temperatures of 15oc, which is a far cry from the snow and freezing weather of early February. The warmer weather makes me want to get outside and tackle all of the garden jobs that I've been too wimpish to face in the cold winds. But first I need to do a little planning, so this morning after the children went off the school I got out my seed box and started organising my veggie garden.

Sitting and pondering what to grow and where is one of my favourite end-of-winter jobs and a nice way to celebrate the arrival spring (oh please say we're done with the snow for this year!)

So, after I finish my elevensies cup of tea and cheese scone I'll be donning my wellies and heading off outside. The beds need tidying up after the weight of the snow dislodged the protective plastic and I'll be digging in some chicken poo and composted kitchen peelings to top up the nutrient levels. Then comes the fun part of planting seeds into little coir pellets - they come as compressed discs and swell delightfully after you add water. Then they're ready for you to drop in a couple of seeds and get the magic started!
Hooray for the end of winter (hopefully!) and for the start of making some delicious summer veg!

PS: The herb labels and green seed tidy came from Sarah Raven x