The start of January always feels a little like pedalling uphill - it takes a lot of effort and you don't feel like you're getting anywhere. Christmas holidays are such a time of lazy indulgence and everyday chores like cleaning the bath and staying on top of the washing take a back seat, so that when the festivities are all over and the last of the decorations are tidied away you're left with a long list of catch ups. Anyway, I'm doing what all good knitters do and am studiously making lists to ignore in favour of casting on new projects. I'm enjoying bunny and lamb knitting (which must be influenced by the thought that spring is edging closer) and I hope to have a batch of animals ready to find new homes before Easter.
Soft shell pinks and pale baby blues are the colours drawing me in at the moment and as always I'm enjoying mixing and matching. Not that it has been particularly easy doing so as recent days have been very dull and overcast and choosing colours really needs to be done in good light or, as in my previous experience, you end up with combinations that look awful. There have been a few spells of watery sunshine in between the murkiness, which have been especially pretty as they've turned all the drops on the trees to silver. Still, I'm grateful that our weather grumbles here pale into complete insignificance when compared to some of the conditions that others face around the world and my thoughts today are with friends in California.
I hope the start of your new year has been quietly uneventful and gently productive, look forward to catching up with you all soon x