With the arrival of colder weather I've been cosying up with my knitting.
Last Sunday morning, as Toby enjoyed his long lie-in, I picked up a pair of mittens that I started last winter and resumed where I left off. I may even get them finished in time for January's frosty days. They are the 'Persephone' mittens from Emily Foden's 'Knits About Winter' and I'm knitting them in soft and lovely Ysolda's Blend no. 1 that has sadly now been discontinued.
I'm also still playing around with ideas for patterns and exploring different textures and yarns, there are just so many possibilities. I've just uploaded the free pattern for a little selection of toy scarves that you can download if you'd like to.
And there's good news on the badger patterns I've been promising, they're all written up and have gone out for testing, I'll keep you posted with news once they've been properly error checked.
Once the badgers are done I'm going to award myself a short break from pattern writing. I find it quite an intense process - writing notes, knitting them through, tweaking bits, knitting through again, knitting them through yet again to test out different yarns (you can tell how many times I've done this from all those heads there). It takes me a lot of time and concentration and I know that a lot of the enjoyment is quashed for me by getting far too anxious in striving for perfection. I've spent most of this year knitting for pattern writing purposes and have produced more patterns this year than any previous years and to be honest I am currently missing the simple joy of knitting just for the pure pleasure of it.
So for the rest of December and January I'm just going to go with my whims and knit a little of what I fancy. I have such a glorious collection of yarn calling me so I think I'll dip into it and see where it takes me. There will definitely be more Little Cotton Rabbit patterns to come, but first I need to shake off this pattern writers fatigue that has crept up on me:)
I'll be back soon with a badgery update, til then keep well xxx