“Winter is the time for comfort, for good food and warmth, for the touch of a friendly hand and for a talk beside the fire: it is the time for home.”
― Edith Sitwell
This quote chimes well with my idea of a perfect January - quiet days, spent gently and slowly. Of course life often has other ideas and usually throws up unexpected things to get in the way of peace and relaxation, but there have been some calm and relaxing moments in my January so far...
- peaceful moments watching the skies at sunrise whilst sipping the first cup of tea of the day, January has the best sunrises,
- calm moments spent reading and planning for the year ahead, I'm finding these books really helpful - 'Do Pause' and 'Do Breathe' books from the Do Book Company
- some weekend morning gentle-paced knitting, accompanied by tea and toast and warm blankets and Volume 3 of Shetland Wool Adventures which is a lovely read,
- and lots of quiet walks in the countryside, which is currently resting quietly under a wintry sparkle of frost.
I hope the new year so far has been kind to you and that you're finding comfort and calm in some of your favourite things this month too, J x