Did you know that the collective noun for a group of moles is a labour? Not that there's any reason why you should, because a group of moles is a rare thing as they are quite solitary little creatures who keep themselves to themselves.
Anyway, there is a labour of moles on my table today and that word is doubly relevant because I have definitely laboured over putting this pattern together. It's not a difficult pattern, it's just that I seem to have lost my decision making powers. I have dithered and procrastinated and gone back and forth over almost every aspect for months, fretting over the length of the nose, the size of the hands and exactly which brown, red or mustard colour would be right for the clothing. In the end I've had to give myself a stiff talking to. So decisions have now been made and the photos are mostly done, and now I'm just in the process of laying everything out and testing it through. It is coming together however and I'm looking forward to being able to share these new patterns for the moles and a little coat & cardigans pattern too.
Well that's it from me today, although I have some lovely bluebell pictures to share in my next post, Spring is in full swing here and it is glorious. I hope there's a little glory going on somewhere in your week too, see you soon, J x