Hello and thanks for dropping in to visit here despite my long absence. I hope you've had a good few months and that life for you is finding a balance in these strange times.
The summer break here has been a little challenging at times, things have been difficult for Toby with all of the unpredictable happenings and changes due to covid 19, so we slowed things right down and just parcelled each day up and put it away, moving on to the next one with the hope that it would be a better one. We've had a gentle pace and a very limited routine to our days but that has helped him to settle and calm. He's enjoyed lazy morning lie-ins with breakfast in bed and our daily walks (come sun, rain, wind or storms) have been a time of meditative contemplation. As we've walked quietly together along the peaceful woodland paths, I've matched my pace to his, stopping for minutes at a time when he's in sensory shutdown and can't move, and trying to keep up with him (but mostly failing) when he is overwhelmed by the desire to run. The walks have been the highlight of our days.
There's been a lot of evening knitting time for me while he's watched his videos and played with his books and duplo, and as a result I have a lot of pattern plans on the go. I'm currently working on a set of removable shoes for the animals (for both the regular sized patterns and the small version); the badger pattern is coming together slowly and I'm also working on small versions of all of my animal designs. I've been playing around with this lion idea too, and though it's not quite right yet I hope to have this ready soonish as a free supplement to the existing bear pattern. I'll keep you posted here of developments.
In other news,
- I'm very flattered to have been nominated for Noteworthy Knitting Blog in the Crafties, 2020 which is organised by Lovecrafts. If you'd like to vote for me I'd really appreciate that, the voting link is here.
- September 3rd was my 14th anniversary of starting this blog and so I'd like to hold a little celebratory giveaway, but need to get myself a little organised here first. More news of that in a later post.
- The Facebook group has been a great source of pleasure for me over summer, I've loved seeing everyone's projects there and at the end of August we topped 3,000 friendly members. I'm pondering how to celebrate that with an exclusive giveaway over there but haven't yet worked it out, but that will be coming up too. If you're on Facebook and would like to join us and share your projects, you'll find the group here
Well, that's all the news from me, I mainly just wanted to break the silence and say Hi. Now that Toby is back at school (for his final year) I'm hoping to be able to pop in here regularly and I'll keep you posted on pattern writing progress and the giveaways.
Thanks as always for taking time out of your day to join me here, I really appreciate your visit :)
PS: I'm sure someone will want to ask, so here's a little info about my notebooks.
I like to write all of my patterns longhand as I'm working them out, so always have several notebooks on the go, jotting down ideas, trying things out, changing them and trying them again - it's a long slow process :) The notebooks themselves are from MD paper - the pages are in a lovely paper that takes the ink well, and I like to personalise them with stickers from the wonderfully talented Nastia Sleptsova.