Poor old Toby's been a bit under the weather this weekend. I think it's just a cold but it's not always that easy to tell. Sometimes it's hard to tell even if he is unwell and even when you establish that he is, it's usually impossible to say for certain whether he has a headache, earache, sore throat or all of the above because he just can't tell me where it hurts. There is a theory about autism known as mindblindness which sums all this up pretty well: autistic people assume that everyone knows what they are thinking so they don't understand the need to communicate that they're hungry, cold, in pain etc. Toby has never pointed at anything (a common autistic trait) nor has he ever drawn my attention to anything he is interested in. It is exactly like he just assumes I already know. One time I found him just standing in his room, all tangled up with the cord on his roman blind - he'd been upstairs for 20 minutes and I'd assumed he was playing quietly - goodness knows how long he'd been stuck but the point is he didn't utter a sound to get my attention, just stood there waiting for me. I felt like such a bad mummy and needless to say I don't really let him out of my sight anymore. Anyway, after 3 nights of little sleep because he was so snuffly, he's seeming a little better today and he's gone back to school.
I have written up the pattern for the stockings - hopefully in some kind of understandable knitting jargon. I've added some photos to show certain steps and will be improving on these and adding some pattern design suggestions shortly. If you are feeling adventurous and fancy giving it a go please drop me a note and let me know how you got on (this is my first foray into pattern writing - I usually work off scribbled notes and memory!) Similarly if you try it and get stuck just contact me and I'll try to help. Good luck!!!