Family life has been full on here over the last few weeks, with various appointments for Toby, plus the usual night-time shenanigans and a few day-time tests of my heart health, once when he got a pea stuck up his nose and then when he climbed over the banister on the upstairs landing. Amy is adapting to senior school life, has had her first unpleasant experiences of the power games of others from someone she thought of as a best friend and has crossed the threshold into womanhood. And I, well I have been being Mum and knitting because it helps keep me on an even keel! In fact along with a couple of scarves, a pair of mittens and my crochet one a day blanket I also seem to have a little army on the go!
I am off now to sew on tails and name those that are finished and then I'll be listing them for sale later this week, most of them lottery style and the rest on Etsy. I'll also pop some better pictures of each up on Flickr.
I'll keep facebook up to date with details of when they're ready and send out the usual emails to the mailing list. I also have a little batch of christmassy, nordic dressed ones which should be ready by early December and I'm also thinking that it's been a rather long time since I had a giveaway so I will sort one out shortly.