Sorry to have stayed away for so long. Unfortunately blogging is one of the first things to fall by the wayside when things get busy, and things have been far too busy for my liking recently. First there was Toby's school play week (which was an upheaval for Toby and a tough time for us but happily in the past now) and then there was the half term break, which again Toby found difficult because of the change in routine. He and I went to stay with my Mum and Dad for a few days and playing with his cousin Zoe really helped him get through the week.
Happily we are now settling back into the term-time routine which is nicely predictable for Toby and brings me a calmer pace with some lovely knitting time. To celebrate my reunion with my pointy sticks and yarn I have cast on a new project...

I'm using an ancient ball of stashed yarn that has no ball band but I think it's Jaeger and the pattern is the lovely 'catching butterflies' by Tiny Owl Knits.

I think these will be the perfect mittens for wearing on a cool summer evening, or even the cold summer days that we've been having rather a lot of recently.

There are also bunnies and foxes slowly emerging from my knitting bag and I'm still plodding along on my one-a-day misty afghan which is now getting big enough to sit under as I work on it - a bonus at the moment due to this cold, wet and windy start to June.
Hopefully the sun will rediscover our little patch soon. The newly-fledged birds would certainly benefit from better weather - like this little blue-tit who came out of the nest last week with a big chunk of it caught around his leg and wasn't able to fly. I carefully caught him and managed to cut it off - thank goodness for the tiny points on embroidery scissors. He fluttered off into the shrubs and hopefully he's doing fine now.

Well, it's nice to be back again and I'm looking forward to catching up with everyone, see you soon x