When spring suddenly seems a distant dream, thanks to the arrival of bitterly cold winds and drifting snow, the best option is to snuggle and I'm doing just that. Knitting in more of these pretty spring colours helps too and I'm slowly working my way towards a little batch of spring dressed bunnies and lambs.
It has been really beautiful outside though. Unusually the snow has come in very localised showers and at times we've had bright sun light shining through the flurrying snow as it whispers it's way to the ground. Thanks to the sub-zero temperatures it's been that dry fluffy kind of snow rather than the slushy wet stuff that is more usual here and that's created the perfect canvas for stories to be written across - stories written by the fox that trotted up the driveway in the night on silent and slender paws, circling around the car and searching for some supper, and stories from the birds who are up at dawn to begin the busy task of breakfasting, leaving a delicate trace of their dartings here and there. Finding these tracks in the morning when I go out to let the chickens out of the coop is one of my favourite things about freshly fallen snow.
Well, hope you're keeping warm where you are and enjoying what the seasons are bringing your way. I'm off to do some more knitting and snuggling :)