He may not be able to speak a word, dress himself, understand dangers or resist custard creams.
He may be awake each and every night, badly bite himself when stressed, strip all the beds 5 times a day and put everything he finds on the floor in his mouth.
He may need constant, vigilant supervision just to keep him safe and, due to the severity of his autism, will never be able to live independently, build a career or find a partner to love,
He is one of the worlds truly innocent and gentle souls, free from malice, free from duplicity and wholly loveable and it is my greatest privilege to be his protector, his advocate and his mum,
Happy 18th birthday sweet Toby
Thank you all so very much for your kind and thoughtful comments, emails and direct messages wishing Toby a happy birthday. He had a lovely afternoon full of the simple pleasures that make him happiest; balloons, cake, lego, sensory toys, curry for dinner, salted caramel ice-cream for pudding and a 'disco' in the evening - he likes dancing by himself with the lights off and the disco ball on!
Thank you again for all of your kind good wishes x