If you've been reading my blog for a while you may have a slight feeling of déjà vu in seeing this post. Don't worry, it's not you it's me - I have made a virtually identical blanket in the past.
I'm not by nature an obsessive person, in fact ask H and he'll tell you I'm a natural slob when it comes to housework and there's always a small pile of discarded clothes next to my bed rather than neatly folded in drawers and cupboards. But when it comes to making woolly things it seems I do have compulsive leanings. I've been fighting this particular urge for a while but a few weeks back I began to wonder what harm there would be in giving in to something that is going to give me pleasure and contentment and so I have started work on a second misty blanket.

I'm essentially using the same colour palette as before - I had quite a bit of yarn left over from the first which helps and there is something about this combination of colours which I find peaceful and that makes me rather happy. This time though I'm making some changes:
- adding an extra round to each square
- being more structured with the coloured centres
- using more subtle shades in the beiges and greys
- only chaining 4 at the corners instead of 5
- working groups of 3 stitches into the corners on all rounds (previously I'd used 2 stitches on the first few rounds)
So, this is how the Misty Mark 2 currently looks

And this was the mark 1 about the same stage:

It's not that I don't like the first one but there are a few bits of it that do niggle me. In particular my misguided use of a dark brown yarn (which I remember being unsure of at the time) and I now notice leaps out in a very inharmonious way. Also, whilst I'm feeling critical, the gaps at the corners are just a bit too gappy if you ask me.
See, gappy corners and standy-out dark brown bits...

The first misty will still be loved as a snuggly throw in the garden room and the second misty will be for our bed. All in all I'm much happier with how the new version is starting to look and it's nice to be crocheting again in the evenings when the lights are low and I feel sleepy. I just have to deal with telling H that there's going to be yet another blanket in the house - he's not actually noticed it yet :)
PS: if you want any yarn/hook details I've added this to my ravelry project page and will keep that updated as I work on this.