It's rather dingy, wet and windy here today, so the best option is to snuggle up with some knitting, a hot cup of tea and some nice magazines.
And these magazines are particularly nice for me to flick through because I'm in them :)
Many thanks to Lizzie at Simply Knitting for the interview in issue 128 and to Danielle at the beautiful Artful Blogging for featuring my blog header in their 'banners we love' section of the Nov/Dec/Jan 2015 issue.
The gloves I'm making are Vagabond fingerless mittens by Misa Erder and I'm enjoying trying out the magic loop technique for the main part of them. It looks complicated but once you get used to it, it is quite straight forward. The pattern itself is lovely, I particularly like the construction of the thumb.
Ok I'm off to knit a bit more before Toby gets home. Wishing you a good weekend and hopefully a relaxing one - though it's so often a manic time of year isn't it?