Here in the south of England May is the most magical month. Throughout April there are always days that feel like they've been reclaimed by winter, with sharp frosts, cold winds and even late snow flurries. But when May arrives it brings a dramatic change and suddenly the countryside, which seemed so bare, brown and twiggy just a week ago, is clothed in a bright green growth.
If you visited these woods during winter you would think them rather dull, but they are at their breath-takingly beautiful best right now and to come and sit here with a coffee and a rather delicious slab of salted caramel brownie is such a privilege and delight. Sitting quietly on this log, surrounded by such beauty, smelling the delicate scent drifting up from the bluebells and listening to the bird song filtering down through the new leaves in the canopy is a joy and I'll be back out in the woods again next week, making the very most of this fleeting natural wonder.
"I enjoy the spring more than the autumn now. One does, I think, as one gets older."
Virginia Woolf, Jacob's Room
PS: Thanks for all of the kind comments on the horses pattern, it's almost done, will post again when all the final checks are finished, J x