At around 2.30pm today I shall be weeping and sniffling into a large bunch of tissues (in a highly sentimental and very proud way) as I watch Amy perform in her school play. She's pleased as punch to have been given the part of Mary in a play called the Christmas Jazz and sings a very beautiful solo song towards the end. I think part of me will be weeping at it being her last school play of junior school. Next year secondary school will engulf her and I'm sure the changes it will bring to her, although a necessary part of growing up, will cause me to weep many more times!
I know I'll not be alone in needing tissues today so I'll wish all you parents watching your children in their school plays over the next 2 weeks a very happy weep and don't forget to charge up your camera batteries!
PS: frosty berries have nothing whatsoever to do with all this - we've had very frosty mornings here this week and I just thought they looked pretty.
How sweet of you to do a giveaway. I haven't a snowball's chance in July of winning, but do wish to be kept on the list for a chance to purchase in the future. Thank you!